Designing Romantic Style Bedrooms

What is it that makes a romantic atmosphere? It more feminine, is it like a Princess Bride wedding suite? The romantic style does not just envision a Disney typesetting. A romantic style bedroom can be reminiscent of many different styles and eras. The goal is to entertain the senses; it is all about setting the mood. This can be achieved with soft filtered light, creating a calming effect with sheer curtains. It can also be achieved with soft bedding, bringing to attention the comforting textures. The right romantic atmosphere puts us in a relaxed state of nesting, comfort, and pleasure.

In this view, we see a soft filtered light coming forth from the windows, highlighted by the neutral textures of the floor and carpet. The colors in sepia tones give off the feeling of an old cinema, further emphasized by the romantic chandelier above that might remind one of the romantic period movies. Also, take note of the muted colors of the silky sheets and bedding. That, combined with the padded furniture and headboard create a classy 1920’s Art Deco look. Part of the romance here is not just a sense of comfort and intimacy, but also from a reminder of the glamour and bygone ages.

Here we can see two shoes nestled against the padded bench, no doubt placed there with the expectation of a romantic evening on the town, and to be ended in the comfort of the bedroom. The wide windows would allow for the morning light to filter through the sheer curtains, while also providing privacy and hiding the possibilities of an evening. It is also valuable to note the matching styles of the headboard, bedding, and bench. The matching textures band patterns create an elegant focal point and give the room a sense of unity.

Take note of the brass knobs on the nightstand. Notice how the color ties in the design color choices for the bed and curtains. The pale blue wood of the nightstand does well to accent these sepia tones, but the knobs help tie it in so that it belongs. With this in mind, we can see better how the cool colors do not deviate from the scene but accent it.

The richness of the walls is evident from the pearlescent finish. The light navy-blue color helps give the bedding a more soft and satiny feel. The darker colors help to make the lighter colors brighter and more elegant. Also, take note of the floral arrangement next to the bed. The elegance of the petals coincides with the other soft textures within the room, but they also add another layer of elegance to the scene. This is also true of the art on the wall. It brings out much of the colors that are already being used within the room and brings harmony while also saving an otherwise bare wall.

Balancing the symmetry of the design creates a sense of unity between all elements of the bedroom. Take note of the complexity of all the different elements. The layers of fabric, along with the stacking of the pillows, create a sense of depth and meaning. It gives someone a deeper sense that they want to explore the space.

Designing a bedroom is a rewarding and meticulous process. As we have seen, the romantic design style can provide a unique sense of comfort and mystery. When designing such an intimate space, it is essential to consider the use of color and textures. We need to remember that this isn’t just a place of rest for someone, but a place of comfort and happiness. Always take into account the type of setting that you want to create, be it contemporary, exotic, or romantic.

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